

My Campaigns

Let's Partner Together

I’ve outline some of the things that are currently important to me. They vary from personal goals to communal goals and gives a better picture of my vision and the things that I will be able to accomplish with your partnership

God's Prayer Break Circle of Love, Rooted in Faith, Courage, Service To God, and Service To People.

This has always been and remains a passion of mine to become debt free as an entrepreneur so that I can spend more time helping others realize their purpose in life by providing hope and encouragement through God’s Word which anchors belief that they can achieve more than they think they can with God’s Help!!


$3,358 Raised

$60,000 Goal

$60,000 per year

Start An Outreach Mentoring Program For Wayward Children

There are so many children who feel lost and are in need of guidance, love, and encouragement. I believe a mentoring program could accomplish that. “Knowledge is power, but it starts with a healthy mindset.” ~SharonAGore


$1,000 Raised

$25,000 Goal

Start A Non-Profit For Battered Women

I hope to empower and equip these women with resources and structure to take back their voices and their identity.


$1,000 Raised

$25,000 Goal

Inheritance For Grandchildren/Great Grandchildren

As my babies continue to progress in life, I want to ensure that I have a solid inheritance for them when they become of age.


$1,000 Raised

$80,000 Goal

Buy A Lovely House

I would love to buy a house and open my home to my family and friends to enjoy.


$0 Raised

$35,000 Downpayment Goal

Pay Down Debt

I have a goal of paying down my debt.


$1,738 Paid

$100,000 Goal